Q: Do I have to be an experienced healer to enrol?

A: No. Because all Animal Magic Training© courses are complete, professional training packages, they are suitable for both novice and experienced healers due to the structure of the courses. You do not need any formal qualifications or experience of healing or even working with animals before undertaking a course with Animal Magic Training. Because our training is of the highest standard available, all our courses are recognised by insurance for you to practice in over twenty two countries worldwide. Ensure you ask your own insurance provider in relation to AMT.

Q: Is there home study to complete?

A: As well as the requirement to complete the applied learning sections for professional certification, there are case studies to complete before professional practitioner certification is awarded if you choose to be assessed by method one below. For method two (P.I.A) there are no case studies to complete. Both assessment option details for graduation certification are given below:

Assessment Method One: Portfolio Assessment. This option requires hands-on practical case studies included in a portfolio that is completed at home in order to complete the entire course gain certification. If you have successfully included all the necessary criteria in your portfolio you will receive your practitioner diploma certification by email within 21 days after the set marking date – (dates are below).

Assessment Method Two: Practical Intensive Assessment (P.I.A). There are no case studies to complete with this option, you only need complete the applied learning sections in each workbook, but this option is not available for AniHerba or AniRoma courses. A P.I.A is a pre-arranged date comprising of a 2 hour video call.  During the P.I.A session you will be assessed on specific criteria requirements. If there are areas upon which need improving, then you will have the opportunity to work through them during an additional session at a cost of £89. You will receive your practitioner certification within 21 days by email if undertaking the P.I.A. Further details can be found on the ‘assessment’ page.

Q: Do I receive a printed certificate?

A: Until 4th May 2023 certificates were printed and posted to graduates. Upon evaluating the process after 23% of certificates got lost in the postal service over the previous three years and had to be reprinted and reposted, it was decided that in order to operate more efficiently and less costly that certificates would now be printable by the graduate. They will still contain a signature of authenticity and additionally each certificate will be given a unique personal number.

Q: How do I start/complete the Learn @ Home course?

A: All Learn @ Home diploma courses are completed on your own pc by self structured learning. Before you purchase any course you should ensure you can open PDF files that will be emailed to you and have the correct software to view any course videos or listen to any course audio files, if there are any included. After purchasing the course, you will complete an enrolment form, which pops up automatically. We’ll then process your enrolment and send your course via email within ten days (if purchased by Stripe) or within five working days if you arrange to pay by an alternative method. Each module should be completed in turn. At the end of each module there is a an applied learning section to complete. This compounds and enhances your knowledge of the subject and forms part of the required criteria for professional certification. With some courses there are supporting videos to view. Learn at home courses are not on-line courses, they are self-structured packages completed on your pc by email and may require you to complete video presentations depending upon the course. No allowances can be made for those unable to complete the professional certification criteria. We cannot accept individual modules for marking. Please return the complete course for marking. We no longer provide certification for part courses, for example, Foundation and Implementer training parts. We sadly do not have the time to provide overall course feedback to students, unless of course there are errors or missing information within your submission.  You will need to create a YouTube channel and provide video links to any supporting video that forms part of your portfolio.

Q: Why is there a wait between theYou will need to create a YouTube channel and provide video links to any supporting video that forms part of your portfolio. release of some course parts?

A: Because AniRoma and AniHerba are extremely comprehensive courses, it is required to leave additional personal study time between each course part. This enables the student to further their knowledge in the relevant modality and make additional study in what is a very complex subject area. It’s important to undertake additional study during this time because after the submission of your final portfolio (and dependant on its content) you may be asked to provide a 3000 words dissertation on the additional area of study you chose to undertake during this break period in order to support your professional certification (diploma) achievement.

Q: How long will it take to complete a course?

A: This all depends on the amount of time you spend completing the course and the course you have chosen to do. It’s also dependant on which course you purchase.Some courses have time gaps between each staged release. Some students complete courses within 5-11 months, but you have a full 36 months from the purchase date or attendance date if it’s an on-site course to complete each course.

Q: Are there specific annual marking dates?

A: Yes. Annual portfolio marking dates for each year are: February and November. Your portfolio needs to reach us by email by the 15th of that particular marking month. Should you not be able to commit to any marking month then you may request a non-scheduled marking date (NSMD) which is arranged with Niki. Fourteen days notice is required to book an NSMD option and the fee is £78.88 and is paid by bank transfer only. Non-scheduled marking dates are unavailable from 21st June until 30th August. Non-scheduled marking dates are unavailable for AniRoma and AniHerba courses.

Q: Can I work professionally after training?

A: Yes! Worldwide, but check with your personal insurance provider first. Because all Animal Magic© training courses are at the highest diploma level grade, our courses are fully insurable, allowing you to practice professionally. Our courses are recognised worldwide in over 22 different countries. For specific countries you should check with your own insurance provider. Animal Magic Training© is the only provider to award graduates optional post-nominal letters for use after your name, giving kudos and instilling confidence in individuals and professionals who use your services. Post nominal letters are an optional purchase. Many of our graduates go on to work alongside Vets in professional practice and other animal health professionals. Our Post-Nominal letters can be used on all advertising and marketing materials if you have made the purchase. The purchase fee for post-nominal letters is £88. Should you require post-nominal letters on your certification, payment must be made at the time of portfolio submission or they will not be entered upon your professional certification.

Q: How do I send my completed portfolio to you?

A: We do not accept hard copies through the post. We do not use any Google cloud facility. Please send your completed portfolio via email to the email address in your training package or by uploading to a third party if your portfolio is large. Such providers include WeTransfer which is a free service. You will need to create a YouTube channel and provide video links to any supporting video that forms part of your portfolio.

Q: Will I receive support during and after training?

A: Yes! Support can be offered via our 1-1 telephone mentoring sessions. These are reserved in 30 minute durations and are offered by telephone to students in the UK from September to June. These are booked through this website. For hearing impaired students sessions are offered via email.

Q: I wish to pay by instalments, when will I receive my course?

A. For reasons which are obvious, you will receive the course after the final part/full course installment.
